Every class has 5 lessons of Maths each week.

At Wattle Glen Primary School, our Mathematics lessons are based on the Victorian Curriculum.

The Maths curriculum is split into 3 sections: 

  • Number and Algebra

  • Measurement and Geometry and

  • Statistics and Probability 

What does the lesson look like?

  • Each lesson begins with a hands-on warm-up activity to engage students and give them the resources needed to practice their fluency

  • Teachers complete a whole class focus to tune students into the lesson's activities

  • Students work in Maths groups. These groups rotate between working with the teacher, independent activities, hands-on fluency games and the use of ICT

  • Throughout the lesson the teacher addresses any misconceptions that they have observed

  • At the conclusion of the lesson, students share and give feedback on the lesson

Ongoing Assessment

At the conclusion of a unit, we assess students’ knowledge in a post-test. We use this information to inform parents of their child’s achievements.

This pre-test data (the test taken before the unit has been taught) informs feedback to students, linking results to their student goals.

Students feel a sense of achievement knowing the accomplishments they have gained.


At Wattle Glen Primary School, we are committed to teaching a differentiated curriculum. This means that we assess students to find out what they already know and then focus on teaching them what they need to learn next.